We use DHL, UPS, USPS, or FEDex depending on where the delivery address is located. You will be notified by us via email with shipping confirmation and your tracking number for the corresponding carrier once your order has been fulfilled.
United States:
Free shipping on all orders over $175 USD & $5 shipping for all orders below $175
Free shipping on all orders over $230 & $15 shipping on all orders below $230
Free international shipping on all orders over $250 USD & $40 shipping on all orders below $250
*Please note that all international orders may be subject to duties, tariffs, or other fees upon import that must be paid by you before you receive your shipment. (Unfortunately we can’t cover these for you.) Import tariffs are different for every order type, and all countries have different fees. If you have any questions about this, please contact your local post office or delivery company.